
NyQuil nightmares and DayQuil daymares

I used to never get sick.

I'm serious. I think it was because my mom force-fed me whole milk until I turned 12 and realized I was actually obese.

I was the kid who didn't know what was so great about cherry and grape flavored Dimetapp (although, out of jealous curiosity, I once convinced my mom that I had a sore throat, and, not realizing I had magical powers, i.e. childhood immunity against viruses, she bought me a bottle of grape deliciousness that was Dimetapp. which, I chugged straight out of the bottle. What? I'm an only child, so who else was going to be taking children's cough syrup?), or how being sick actually really kind of, well, is awful.

Hard to believe I really didn't get sick, ever? Well I'll prove it. with a story. which, you may or may not choose to believe. So, I never missed a day of middle school or high school. My school was weird and gave out awards for strange accomplishments like, not missing a day of school since 1996. So, that award was supposed to go to me. and boy, would I have loved getting that plaque! But, instead of attending the awards assembly, I, along with the rest of our senior class, was attending a different type of function involving roller coasters and hot dogs. We were partaking in our unofficial senior cut day, at Six Flags in the great state of NJ. So, I never got to experience that plaque with my name on it, stating that I had never missed a day of school. Because, in fact, I had missed a day of school-- the most important day for me to NOT have missed school-- the day I was to be acknowledged as the only kid in high school... to have never missed a day of school. How ironic.

Anyway, I digress.

I started getting the oh-so-common cold once I started college. Although, really, what kind of super-human doesn't catch a cold in below-zero Michigan winters? I guess though, seasons don't particularly matter, since: a) it's currently the beginning of June and I have a lovely cold, and b) what actually causes colds to get passed around is population density. So, I guess it was inevitable that, in the dorms I eventually caught whatever nasty bug everyone else already had. And, so here I am, now, as your average 20-something adult, lacking my super-immune-system, and still pining for my glory days where having a plaque to celebrate my immune system seemed like a petty and trite event that i just brushed it off. Little did I know that without it would come my downfall.


Please excuse me. I'm high on DayQuil.


Albuquerque, really?

So, as the obsessive planner that I am, I've begun my hunt for freebie boxes. For my move, in... 2 months. (Advice: don't get banana boxes. Unless you really enjoy the aroma of squished banana matter and bug carcasses.) Furthermore, I've google-mapped San Diego to Bloomington, although apparently google wants me to go through Albuquerque, NM (which I barely can spell-- and you know how I feel about places I can't spell. Do you? Answer: indifferent! got you!). Actually, weird thing about google wanting to take me through weird states like NM-- when I was thinking about places to apply to school, I actually did fill out this pretty intense online quiz that gives you your top however many cities/towns you'd be likely to not run away from. One of my top 5? Albuquerque. Yup. Although, I swear it was spelled differently. And, in the little description of Albie, I was informed that they have an annual hot-air balloon event that apparently rocks everyone's socks off. So, I'm sold. Perhaps I'll mosey on over in my then over-heated car, and marvel at those balloons. And, possibly get stuck in one of my supposed top-5 cities. and never make it to indiana. i mean, bloomington never made it to my top 5. but then again, none of the places i ever lived in did. so, have i just been miserably out-of-place my whole life? ......oh, internet. how i love you so.