
...aaaand, approx one year later...

We're back!

So it's been a while, and much has changed. For one, I've moved back to the midwest. I guess I missed the accents and corn on the cob too much. Not that San Diego wasn't amazing, but, it's good to be back, where I get asked about Chinese food menu options and people occasionally talk to me slowly using lots of hand gestures. oh, how i love thee, midwest.

The biggest news is that I have a new companion, Juni. Juni is a five year old Whippet (yes, as in what bad-ass kids use to get high on the playground)/Jack Russell Terrier mix, and a whole lot of cuteness.

I think she has autism.

See, this is the problem with a psych major all throughout my higher education. I think everyone and everything around me has some sort of Axis I psychological disorder. Of course my dog is on the Autism spectrum. of course. But seriously, I have witnesses. She engages in repetitive motions, hand-flaps, didn't talk for quite some time, and she rarely looks straight at me. And, she's a weirdo around other pups. As in, she plays with them for about 10 minutes, then wanders off on her own to smell the flowers and poop around her, all the while, ignoring the other pooches that are trying to be nice and asking Juni to play tag with them.

I need to look into this more, maybe there is a support group online for people who have dogs that have various psychological disorders. Can dogs even have disorders? ..... hmmmmm.

Just saying, possible dissertation topic.