
So long, SoCal...

Well, it's officially official. I'm currently sitting on a bed in a lovely little inn in Park City, UT (home of Sundance and the 2002 [... or was it 3?] Winter Olympics [ok, so that may have been Salt Lake City, but Park City is close enough. they at least both have the word 'city' in their names). My car made the Day 1 600 mi. nearly-vertical climb (it really was a complete upward trek from LA to Park City), despite the nausea-inducing highways and despite being packed to maximum capacity with unnecessary items like shower curtain rings and marshmallows (which will, in fact, come in handy as an evening treat tomorrow night when we go camping in random wyoming).
So, now that I've had time to reflect on life, here are some things I've realized:
1. Drinking margaritas on a nearly-empty stomach the night prior to a road trip is never a good decision, especially when the night ends with you puking in some shady alleyway.
2. There is no better feeling than beating the LA rush-hour traffic.
3. Starbucks makes an assortment of delicious pastries.
4. There are some true assholes on the road (mostly SUV drivers who don't believe in sharing the road).
4b. I'm also one of those assholes.
5. High altitudes really mess up one's digestive system. i won't go into that any further.
6. Nik now hates me because I am completely and utterly anal about my vehicle.
7. Frijoles = beans.
8. Utah is more than just mormons and polygamy. It's also 12-passenger vans carting 2 adults + 10 screaming children driving in front of you, along 75 mph roads... oh wait. Mormons and polygamy. That's it.
9. I kid, i kid. Utah is beautiful, with placid lakes and towering red mountain ranges.
10. I may have to move to Park City, UT one day, rather than to a farm in the midwest. Let's be honest; mountains and hot cider > cowpies. Agreed.

Really, then it seems that the realization hasn't hit that San Diego/LA is no longer home. Perhaps Day 2's 200 mi. trip to Wyoming will make me reflect on life in socal...
Maybe if I stopped drinking margaritas. that might also help. putting down the glass riiiight now.

1 comment:

Sabelotodo said...

Take it from someone who knows...intimately...midwestern farm life is not all it's cracked up to be...at all. It sounds like things are going swimmingly...vomit aside...for both of you which makes me very happsy.